<li><a href="content_detail.php?id=5#1">Five Essential Elements</a>
<li><a href="content_detail.php?id=5#2">Religion</a></li>
<li><a href="content_detail.php?id=5#3">Life</a></li>
<li><a href="content_detail.php?id=5#4">Lineage</a></li>
<li><a href="content_detail.php?id=5#5">Property</a></li>
<li><a href="content_detail.php?id=5#6">Honour</a></li>
<li><a href="content_detail.php?id=5#7">What the Qur’an Forbids</a></li>
<li><a href="content_detail.php?id=5#8">What the Qur’an Promotes</a></li>
<li><a href="content_detail.php?id=5#9">Achieving a Pure Heart</a></li>
<p>It is important to understand the ethics and moral from the Qur’an perspective in order to achieve the moral ideal.</p>
<p><strong><a id="1" name="1"></a>The Qur’an refers to 5 essential elements:</strong></p>
<li><strong><a id="2" name="2"></a>Preserving religion</strong> – the Quran states that Muslims to submit to God’s Will completely and wholeheartdly <strong>(2:208).<br /></strong>Religion means not only formal worship, but to the entire comprehensive system of living and this includes the 5 pillars of Islam. The Qur’an places an obligation which must be honoured and protected by an Islamic society and in order to live by the ethical teachings of the Quran <strong>(2:246; 22:40).</strong><br /><strong>This protects all other forms of worship, including the prayer offered in monasteries, synagogues and churches. The Qur’an describes these houses of worship as places where God’s name is exalted <em>(22:40).</em></strong><br /><a class="float_right" href="content_detail.php?id=5#">↑ top</a></li>
<li><strong><a id="3" name="3"></a>Preserving life</strong> – it is important to understand that saving and preserving life is ethical and anything that takes it away is unethical. God made all life sacred <strong>(4:29; 6:151) </strong>regardless of religion, race or class.<br />Like in Torah, the Qur’an states that killing one person without just cause is like killing all of humanity and saving one life is equivalent to saving all of humanity <strong>(5:32). </strong>Killing innocent life is regarded as one of the gravest sins a person can commit (<strong>25:68-69).<br /></strong>The Qur’an states that in the law of just retribution there is life (<strong>2;179);</strong> for example punishing the murderer or rapist saves the lives of other is an ethical act.<br />Preservation of life - takes precedence - over certain religious laws in the Qur’an.<br />An example of this: pork is prohibited in the Qur’an but in order to preserve human life it can be eaten.<br /><a class="float_right" href="content_detail.php?id=5#">↑ top</a></li>
<li><strong><a id="4" name="4"></a>Preserving lineage - </strong>The Qur’an states that one of the worst sins is to cut kinship bonds <strong>(4:1). </strong>Lineage preserves the identity of individuals within society; it identifies the family structure and this is essential to the development of a society based on ethics from the Qur’an. The Qur’an forbids fornication and adultery because these activities threaten the very nature of family foundation and destroys the lineage of children out of wedlocks.<strong></strong><br /><strong>Accordingly, last names that carry family lineage cannot be changed; however, today there are many Muslims who violate this ethic.</strong><br />This means that people who convert should retain their last name;<br />It is also wrong for a woman to change her last name after marriage because she remains a part of her family heritage, even after marriage.<br /><strong>The correct way would be to add husband’s last name to her last name.</strong><br />The Qur’an also forbids to enslave another human being and changing his/her name and identity which violates this ethic of lineage preservation.<br />This now brings us to another important topic: preserving lineage is so important that it does not even allow <strong>adoption </strong>which is widely practised in Western countries<br />However, caring for orphans is one of the highest acts of charity and responsibility. The orphan has a right to preserve his or her heritage and lineage. This means that orphan’s last name should not be changed. Caretakers MUST tell the children where they come from (33:4-5). Therefore, adoption is allowed as long the child’s last name is preserved.<br /><a class="float_right" href="content_detail.php?id=5#">↑ top</a></li>
<li><strong><a id="5" name="5"></a>Preserving property – </strong>The Qur’an states that property is sacred (2:188). Violating someone’s property or wealth is unethical. Taking someone’s wealth by force, without just cause is a major sin according to the Qur’an.<strong></strong><br />The Qur’an states in An- Nisa:- <strong><em>“O you believe! Do not devour one another’s possession wrongfully – except by trade based on mutual agreement – and do not destroy one another: For behold, God is indeed compassionate towards you” (4:29).</em></strong><br />The Prophet Muhammad said that if one dies in pursuit of defending his property or the peoperty of others is a <strong>martyr</strong> in the sight of God.<br /><a class="float_right" href="content_detail.php?id=5#">↑ top</a></li>
<li><strong><a id="6" name="6"></a>Preserving Honour – </strong>The Qur’an states that God has honoured and favoured children of Adam (all human beings) over any other creations <strong>(17:70).</strong><br />The Qur’an prohibits:
<li>Public indecency;</li>
<li>Backbiting; and</li>
<li>Exposing bad deeds of a person in the society.</li>
<p>The Qur’an strongly warns against all the above (<strong>49:12).<br /></strong>Accusing someone of sexual immorality without any proof calls for public flogging (<strong>24:23).<br /></strong>Making fun of others is completely prohibited in Islam <strong>(49:11).</strong><br /><a class="float_right" href="content_detail.php?id=5#">↑ top</a></p>
<p><strong><a id="7" name="7"></a>The Qur’an forbids the following:</strong></p>
<p><strong>Falsehood and deception – </strong>The Quran forbids any type of falsehood <strong>(26:222</strong>) ; the worst one is joining partners with God (<strong>25:68)</strong><br />The Quran condemns those deceiving their fellow human beings (<strong>16:92);<br /></strong>False testimony (people lose their dignity in society and in the sight of God (<strong>25:72);<br /></strong><strong>Arrogance – </strong>the worst type is to deny the Creator (4:172);<br />Arrogance is the way of tyrants and oppressors, all of whom will be doomed in the Hereafter (<strong>46:20).</strong> The Prophet has said that anyone who has in his heart an atom of arrogance will not enter paradise.<br /><strong>Pretension</strong> – This is where the soul enjoys being praised by other people instead of aspiring God. This then makes it hard for a person to make good moral and ethical choices. One should desist and by performing more good deeds ONLY for the sake of God alone.<br /><strong>Hypocrisy – </strong>The Qur’an gives special consideration to hypocrites who claim that they believe in God but their actions suggest otherwise contrary to this belief and in God’s laws (61:2-3).<br />The hypocrites only deceive themselves <strong>(4:142 -143; 2:810).<br /></strong><strong> </strong><strong>Injustice</strong> - The Qur’an is strongly against those who oppress others and spread fear and devastation on earth <strong>(2:204 -206).<br /></strong>The Qur’an mentions Pharaoh’s story who was against Prophet Moses and those who treat their families with injustice <strong>(16:90). It is the greatest form of Jihad – to speak the TRUTH in front of a tyrant.<br /></strong><strong>Transgression- </strong>The Qur’an explains that this means violating God’s laws. For example, adultery.<br />Transgression means going beyond the limits set by God. However, if you are excessive in forbidding what God has not forbidden then this is not good either (<strong>5:87).<br /></strong><strong>Wastefulness – </strong>The Qur’an states that God does not love those who waste resources He provides (<strong>6:141).</strong><br />Men and women will be questioned about every penny spent on the Day of Judgment about their wealth.<br />Some reluctantly give money to charity fall into materialism and hoarding of wealth and the Qur’an condemns this (<strong>104:2-3).<br /></strong>Others include alcohol prohibited and gambling because they can cause unintended animosity between people <strong>(5:91).</strong><br /><a class="float_right" href="content_detail.php?id=5#">↑ top</a></p>
<p><strong><a id="8" name="8"></a>The Qur’an promotes the following:</strong></p>
<p><strong>Sincerity – </strong>The Qur’an states that God will judge intentions as well as actions on the day of accountability (<strong>3:29).</strong><br /><strong>Self-reflection – </strong>The Qur’an states that human beings need to reflect within themselves and on their deeds as a means of taking account before God does <strong>(3:190 – 194).<br /></strong>A good person is one who performs good deeds to benefit himself after death; a foolish person is one who submits to his lower desires for worldly pleasures.<br /><strong>Patience- </strong> This is the most stated quality in the Qur’an and it is repeated time after time that every Muslim should possess this quality.<br />The Qur’an states in Al-Baqra (The Cow);<br />“To God we belong, and to Him is our return” (<strong>2:153-157</strong>) in times of hardship, instead of expressing grief or animosity.<br />The Qur’an states to it followers to be patient when asking for help from God – this means immediate results should not be expected because God knows the best time, according to His Wisdom and knowledge <strong>(2:214).<br /></strong>The Qur’an asks everyone to be steadfast and patient in controlling themselves against sin and their lower desires. The best amongst us are those who forgive even in a state of anger (<strong>3:134; 42:37</strong>). The Prophet advocated that a strong person is not the one who is aggressive but the one who controls his anger.<br /><strong>Forgiveness – </strong>The Qur’an teaches human beings to show “forgiveness”, enjoin in good and turn away from bad <strong>(7:199). </strong>The Qur’an says that God forgives those who forgive others for their shortcomings <strong>(24:22).<br /></strong><strong>Modesty – </strong>The Qur’an makes it clear to both men and women in relation to modesty <strong>(23:5; 24:30-31)</strong> as a way of preserving the respect, dignity and honour that God built into every human being <strong>(17:70).<br /></strong>Modesty is not limited just to the dress code but applies in terms of showing humility when meeting other people (<strong>53:32)</strong> and talking in a balanced voice. The Quran states believers should lower their voices in modesty <strong>(31:19).<br /></strong><strong>Simple living – </strong>The Qur’an states that we should not get too attached to this short life and worldly things at the expense of an everlasting Hereafter. Therefore, it discourages materialism of any type <strong>(3:14; 35:5; 29:64; 57:20).<br /></strong><strong>Contentment - </strong>The Qur’an makes it clear that people should be happy with what God has blessed them with and that they should never complain about lack of anything. People should work hard and seek trust in God’s sustenance <strong>(11:6).<br /></strong><strong>Charity- </strong> The Qur’an teaches that whatever you spend in charity, God will replace it with something even better (34:39). Generosity provides a means of purifying and benefiting the soul (2:272).<br />Using talents or energy for good causes also count as charity and not just giving money.<br /><a class="float_right" href="content_detail.php?id=5#">↑ top</a></p>
<p><strong><a id="9" name="9"></a>Achieving a Pure Heart</strong></p>
<p>This requires in constant remembrance of God which directs human consciousness towards the “straight path” of excellent moral and ethical behaviour.<br />This involves remembering the Divine without a doubt will find peacefulness (13:28);<br />Practising the 5 pillars of Islam;<br />Following the Sunnah;<br />Maintaining fear of God (Taqwa);<br />Following God’s Law;<br />Keeping in the company of pious and good people; and<br />Controlling passion and struggling for good (Jihad).</p>
<p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">References:<br /></span>* Qur’an – Chapters and Verses<br />(See bibliography at the end of the various translations and interpretations used).</em><br /><a class="float_right" href="content_detail.php?id=5#">↑ top</a></p> |